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Check Out These Adoption Blogs

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Sometimes, the best teachers are the ones who have been through it themselves. It can be comforting to read about people dealing with similar issues. Here are some blogs with unique adoption perspectives that we recommend checking out.
Note: The opinions in these blogs do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Cradle and its staff members.

Cradle Family Blogs

The Next Chapter: Cradle family Victor and Moriah Garcia, and their daughter Amaya, share what they learn throughout the adoption process.

Domestic Adoption Blogs

A Pair of Pink Shoes: Adoptive mother Maggie discusses adoption and parenting in open and honest ways.

Lavender Luz: Lori, author and blogger, discusses parenting and advocates for open adoption

The Next Chapter: Victor and Moriah, and their brand-new daughter Amaya, share what they learn throughout the adoption process.

White Sugar, Brown Sugar: A mother of three, Rachel, blogs about her transracial family of two daughters and one son, as well as many parenting tips; from great childrens book suggestions to kid-friendly holiday activities.

Holding to the Ground: The Chittister family blogs about their experience with transracial adoption.

Transracial Adoption Blogs

Agnostic Adoption: An adoptive family writes about raising children in an agnostic household and how it relates to adoption. They have also adopted internationally from Ethiopia.

No Hands But Ours: Maintained by a number of various adoptive families, this blog focuses on special needs adoption from China. It includes blogs about personal experience as well as a number of ways to connect parents to resources.

Ordinary Days: An adoptive mother discusses parenting, transracial adoption and special needs adoption.

My Mind on Paper: Adoptee, blogger for Adoption.com, and author of Growing Up Black in White, Kevin Hofmann, writes about his experience as a transracial adoptee and offers parenting tips for transracial families.

Holding to the Ground: The Chittister family blogs about their experience with transracial adoption.

Rage Against the Minivan: Marraige and family therapist and mom of four (two adopted from Haiti), blogs about everything from parenting tips to life’s daily (and often funny) challenges. She is the founder of many popular social media accounts as well.

The Adopted Life: Transracial adoptee Angela Tucker is a nationally recognized thought leader on transracial adoption and adoptee rights. Her search for her birth parents is the subject of the documentary CLOSURE (Netflix, iTunes & Kweli TV) Her personal blog is also home to the miniseries, “The Adopted Life.”

beyond two worlds: Taiwanese adoptee and therapist blogs about her experience as an international, transracial adoptee. Her blog chronicles her search for her birth family and her eventual reunion and explores the complexity of international and transracial adoption.

Diary of a Not-So-Angry Asian Adoptee: Korean international adoptee and mother of two blogs about her experience as a transracial adoptee as well as her work within the adoption community.

Harlow’s Monkey: South Korean adoptee takes an honest and unapologetic look at international and transracial adoption. Her writings are based both on her experience and her background in social work.

John Raible Online: Dr. John Raible, a transracial adoptee himself, is a nationally-recognized outspoken leader and educator within the transracial adoption community.

Little Did I Know: A single mother blogs about her experience with international adoption and adoption through foster care, as well as her thoughts on transracial adoption, religious musings, and daily family life.

International Adoption Blogs

Agnostic Adoption: An adoptive family writes about raising children in an agnostic household and how it relates to adoption. They have also adopted internationally from Ethiopia.

No Hands But Ours: Maintained by a number of various adoptive families, this blog focuses on special needs adoption from China. It includes blogs about personal experience as well as a number of ways to connect parents to resources.

Adeye Salem: Adoptive mother of nine discusses her experience with international and special needs adoption as well as God working within her family’s life.

Rage Against the Minivan: Marraige and family therapist and mom of four (two adopted from Haiti), blogs about everything from parenting tips to life’s daily (and often funny) challenges. She is the founder of many popular social media accounts as well.

beyond two worlds: Taiwanese adoptee and therapist blogs about her experience as an international, transracial adoptee. Her blog chronicles her search for her birth family and her eventual reunion and explores the complexity of international and transracial adoption.

Diary of a Not-So-Angry Asian Adoptee: Korean international adoptee and mother of two blogs about her experience as a transracial adoptee as well as her work within the adoption community.

Harlow’s Monkey: South Korean adoptee takes an honest and unapologetic look at international and transracial adoption. Her writings are based both on her experience and her background in social work.

Little Did I Know: A single mother blogs about her experience with international adoption and adoption through foster care, as well as her thoughts on transracial adoption, religious musings, and daily family life.

Special Needs Adoption Blogs

No Hands But Ours: Maintained by a number of various adoptive families, this blog focuses on special needs adoption from China. It includes blogs about personal experience as well as a number of ways to connect parents to resources.

Ordinary Days: An adoptive mother discusses parenting, transracial adoption and special needs adoption.

Adeye Salem: Adoptive mother of nine discusses her experience with international and special needs adoption as well as God working within her family’s life.

Little Did I Know: A single mother blogs about her experience with international adoption and adoption through foster care, as well as her thoughts on transracial adoption, religious musings, and daily family life.

Adoptee Blogs

My Mind on Paper: Adoptee, blogger for Adoption.com, and author of Growing Up Black in White, Kevin Hofmann, writes about his experience as a transracial adoptee and as well as parenting tips for transracial families.

The Adopted Life: Transracial adoptee Angela Tucker is a nationally recognized thought leader on transracial adoption and adoptee rights. Her search for her birth parents is the subject of the documentary CLOSURE (Netflix, iTunes & Kweli TV). Her personal blog is also home to the miniseries “The Adopted Life.”

beyond two worlds: Taiwanese adoptee and therapist blogs about her experience as an international, transracial adoptee. Her blog chronicles her search for her birth family and her eventual reunion and explores the complexity of international and transracial adoption.

Diary of a Not-So-Angry Asian Adoptee: Korean international adoptee and mother of two blogs about her experience as a transracial adoptee as well as her work within the adoption community.

Harlow’s Monkey: South Korean adoptee takes an honest and unapologetic look at international and transracial adoption. Her writings are based both on her experience and her background in social work.

Birth Parent Blogs

For the Love of Birth Mothers: Birth mother Emily writes about the birth mother experience. The blog acts a a forum for other birth parents, providing them insight, affirmation and community.

Mommyhood Land: Adoptee and birth mother talks about her life as a parent to three children, as well as her experience as a birth mother to her oldest child whom she placed at 16.

John Raible Online: Dr. John Raible, a transracial adoptee himself, is a nationally-recgonized outspoken leader and educator within the transracial adoption community.

I Am Adopted: Adult adoptee and therapist Jessenia discusses adoption and adoption resources in her award-winning blog.

Pushing on a Rope: Adult adoptee and former journalist Terri writes about her experience being adopted, her reunion with her birth mother and her life as a wife and mother.

Lost Daughters: A writing project by multiple adopted women, Lost Daughters aims to provide an adoptee-centric space that brings readers the perspectives and narratives of adopted women. It takes an unbiased look at adoption and explores both its positive and negative aspects.

Adoptee Restoration: Adult adoptee and advocate for adoptee rights Deanna blogs about her own experience with adoption and reunion as well as issues within the world of adoption and adoption law.

Waiting Family Blogs

Sarah and John Adopt: Waiting adoptive mom Sarah blogs about her experience with the adoption process and how she gets through her waiting period.

Single Parent Adoption Blogs

Little Did I Know: A single mother blogs about her experience with international adoption and adoption through foster care, as well as her thoughts on transracial adoption, religious musings, and daily family life.

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