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Adoption Services

Looking to Adopt?

Gather information and take the first step in the process to get started by attending our free info meeting on Jan. 11.
Click here to register
Have questions about The Cradle’s adoption programs, schedule a free 20-minute call with a Cradle staff member.
Click here to schedule
Or, fill out our online form  and we’ll email you back.

Your information will be kept confidential.

Just as each adoption experience is unique, so are the paths that lead hopeful parents to consider adoption in the first place. No matter the arc of your journey here, The Cradle welcomes you.

Building a family through adoption can be beautiful, complex and hard. Adoption is not a moment. It is lifelong, shaping everyone touched by it.

Understanding these complexities and placing the child’s well-being at the center of every adoption, our experienced counselors will be with you every step of the way. Your Cradle Counselor will serve as your guide throughout your home study, educational workshops, and placement. Our commitment to you is lifelong—we want your child and your family to thrive.

Our Adoption Programs

Getting Your Adoption Started

Attend an Adoption Information Meeting. These meetings provide an overview of The Cradle’s adoption programs, introduction to open adoption, and include an opportunity for questions.

Upcoming Meetings


13feb5:00 pm6:30 pmAdoption Information Meeting5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.


15mar9:30 am11:00 amAdoption Information Meeting9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


10apr5:00 pm6:30 pmAdoption Information Meeting5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.


31may9:30 am11:00 amAdoption Information Meeting9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Want to speak with someone personally before or after an Informational Meeting? Schedule a free 20-minute call with a Cradle Counselor.

We offer a number of links to resources online, including financial resources for adoption.

Contact the Cradle

Our experienced counselors are here to guide you

If you’d like us to contact you, please fill out the form.

If you would like to speak with someone before or after an informational meeting, please schedule a call with a Cradle staff member.

If you are an adopted person looking for information, please schedule an informational consultation with our post adoption department.