Dave’s Story: Bringing Together a Cradle Community

Dave, wanting to connect with people who shared similar adoption experiences, started a group for people connected to The Cradle in his area, fostering a space for community and support. Dave was adopted from The Cradle in November 1965. Before adopting him, and his sister two years later, his parents had experienced loss in their […]
Abby and Layla’s Story: Best Friends Since the Cradle Nursery
Abby and Layla are best friends who first met when they were babies in The Cradle Nursery together. Nine years later, they still refer to each other as “Roomies,” a testament to their enduring bond. They shared the story of their special friendship with The Cradle. While the Roomies have known each other since birth, […]
David’s Story: Lifelong Support
Rae Ellen and Matthew adopted their son, David, in the summer of 1992. They returned to visit The Cradle the day before David’s 32nd birthday to see where it all began and to share their family story. David’s birth mother made an adoption plan and then decided she wanted to parent him. A few months […]
Anna’s Story: Life-Saving Therapy
Anna was adopted at the age of one from China in the early 2000s. Like many people who were adopted, she struggled with mental health throughout her childhood and teenage years. Her mother, Abigail, was determined to find her help. She turned to The Cradle’s adoption-competent therapists — a decision that changed their lives. Prior […]
Terry Hersperger: A 1946 Cradle Baby

An International Adoption Reunion Story